Details Spandan

Spandan Foundation for Human Values in Management and Society

Spandan as an NGO originated as a result of the academic and research interest of Dr. G.P. Rao. It has been formed by a small group of industrial organizations, management institutions and individuals

The mission of the institution is ‘propagation and inculcation of human values in education, management and society.’ It attempts at offering an approach and process in facilitating educators and practitioners in management in striving for an optimal balance between ‘Results’ and ‘Relations’. The process facilitates the objective of developing a ‘Functionally Humane Organization’.

When caring, sharing and nurturing become integral to work ethic and culture, the organization is able to mesh the task requirement and humaneness. The result is a committed group of human beings doing their best in the interests of various stakeholders.

A functionally humane organization has a number of characteristics such as:

1. Focus on both, ‘results’ and ‘relations’. The organization believes that these can coexist. Increase in one does not diminish or devalue the other.

2. Increased levels of understanding and therefore an increase in cooperative behavior. This leads to higher workgroup cohesiveness and willingness to do one’s best for the organization.

3. There is also an understanding that conflicts are a reality and that they can be resolved through demonstration of the fundamental values that are articulated.

4. There is an increase in flexibility and resilience leading to higher energy levels.

5. Demonstration of such behavior and achievement of organization objectives reinforce the practise of such values. It also provides positive roles modeling for those who join the organization

Teaching, research and training are key aspects of the approach. The inculcation happens through an approach that has been termed as the ‘3 D Process’.

List Values

Fundamental Philosophy

Spandan as a concept postulates that faith in the innate divinity, basic goodness and intrinsic altruism of human beings have been the driving force for human existence, growth and development. They are the basic crux of human existence. The belief in these three tenets is the driving force for human progress. Communities that are built upon this philosophy focus on achievement of community objectives while respecting the individuals who are members.

The basic goodness of human beings is reflected through their desire to be of help to others, to do good without necessarily expecting any return or reward. Human sentiments, interactions and activities based upon this belief are the touchstone for human harmony.

The fountainhead of such human harmony in turn is the operation of the trinity of concepts in human behavior. These three concepts are:

• Mother: The concept of Mother stands for faith in others and empathy of a high order

• Spandan: Spandan, a Sanskrit word, means Heartbeat, Vibration and Pulsation. It is symbolic of sensitivity to, and identification with others.

• Universal Consciousness: Universal Consciousness represents the oneness in all the elements of the universe including human beings. The odyssey of human beings of self diagnosis, discovery and development then reaches its ultimate in the concept of universal consciousness.

The concept can be integrated into organizations to enhance the well being of various stakeholders. Spandan as a movement strives to facilitate management and organizations develop sensitivity capable of understanding the needs of others even 'without being asked' – like that of a ‘Mother’.

When such sensitivity of caring, sharing and nurturing becomes integral to work ethic and culture, the organization is able to mesh the task requirement and humaneness. The result is a ‘Functionally Humane Organization’ - a committed group of human beings doing their best in the interests of various stakeholders

Applied to organization and management, the basic goodness is assumed to be in the members of the organization. This refers to those who manage and their team. It also assumes that people within organization have multiple hats – a person can manage others while being managed by another.

Empathy is present in abundance when basic goodness and faith in others is present. A context for better understanding is created when an individual or institution feels the necessity to understand others and their needs through empathizing. This context leads to a creation of positive wave length, equation and vibration.

This leads to an enhancement in the interpersonal relations and the work situation. The enhancements are a consequence of better understanding, increased appreciation and warmer interpersonal relations, better working conditions, higher productivity and commitment.

Spandan 3 D Process

Propagation & Inculcation

Spandan’s endeavours aimed are at three broad levels

Organizational: Values orientation and integration with its mission, and interface with the environment through application of Spandan Spectrum of Human Values and Spandan 3D Process;

Professional:Professional ethics, its interface with professional education, training and development and global developments through initiatives like Manager as Karma Yogi, 51:49 Leadership approach, and, ‘vasudhiaka kutumbakam’.

Societal:Strengthening the less privileged segments of the segments through suitable initiatives like, Communication, Confidence and Character (3Cs) and Student/ Youth / Human empowerment.

Spandan Instruments

The instruments utilized by Spandan are:

• Spandan Spectrum of Human Values 2013 and

• Spandan 3D Process of Diagnosis, Discovery and Development