Spandan Insights

This section contains a series of articles that provides insights and perspectives on Spandan approach.

1. Towards Indian Vision of Vasudhaiava Kutumbakam: This article is based on a study entitled, Management, Human Values and Sustainable Development: Towards Indian vision of vasuadhaiva kutumbakam (The world is one family). The study was conducted as an attempt at identifying human values suitable for strengthening sustainable development and fostering the spirit that the world is one family.

2. Respect to Nature and Mother Earth and Sustainability: This article was written for publication in the journal Nature and Society. It describes the ongoing balance and continuous fine tuning between nature and society (representing people) that has contributed to the emergence of human societies world over. Maintenance of the said balance fostered their survival and growth. There has been wilful or ignorant neglect of the said balance over a period of time. The article elucidates the need to propagate and inculcate respect to nature and mother earth as a human value as a means of restoring sustainability in human living and life.

3. Facilitation of Human Values in Management: This article presents the series of efforts undertaken by a teacher in management towards enabling the students and professionals realize their own potential and inner strength for remaking themselves as effective managers and humane individuals. The focus is on ‘experiential learning’.

4. ‘Formula’ for Great Leadership: Spandan (Heartbeat) Approach:This article describes various facets of great leadership and the manner in which Spandan approach can facilitate the building of great leadership.

5. Complementarity – The Ultimate of Human Existence and Growth: This article focuses on individuals, interdependence and interconnection. It deals with the mechanism to move ‘from point of view of distinctiveness to the viewing point of oneness and cosmic consciousness’.